What is Knee Chest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care
Knee Chest Upper Cervical is a specific upper cervical chiropractic system, focused on the alignment of the upper cervical spine and the impact on the nervous system.
Every technique has a set system of checking and analyzing your body for nervous-system interference and the presence of vertebral subluxations. These can be leg-length checks, palpation, and postural abnormality. Techniques can use one indicator exclusively, or a combination. One similarity of all upper-cervical techniques is the use of imaging such as X-ray or CT to analyze and guide the adjustments that are made to the spine.
Why is it Called Knee Chest Upper Cervical Care?
The Knee Chest technique is named after the position adopted by the patient before the adjustment takes place. The Knee Chest upper-cervical technique involves you, the patient kneeling on a padded cushion and placing your chest on the adjustment table. The Dr then places your head and neck in a specific orientation before making the correction.
Benefits Of Knee Chest Upper Cervical Care
This orientation is beneficial for several reasons; it allows the chiropractor to get into an advantageous position to make the adjustment but more importantly, with your spine in that position, the upper-cervical spine bio-mechanically has the most space available to receive the adjustment. When the correction is made, you may feel the bones at the top of your spine move and may hear some sound – this is quite normal and completely safe.