Graston Technique  Columbus, GA

The Graston Technique® (GT) is an innovative, evidence-based form of therapy that utilizes an instrument to assist in soft tissue mobilization. This enables clinicians to effectively and efficiently break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. GT utilizes specially designed stainless-steel instruments to detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The use of GT instruments along with therapeutic exercises helps restore pain-free movement and function. The Graston Technique® was originally developed by athletes to treat soft tissue injuries. It has grown in popularity as an alternative approach in treating acute and chronic soft tissue injuries.

The instrument is designed to comb over and catch fibrotic tissue, identifying any areas of restriction. This allows us to treat the soft tissue lesions with adequate depth, pressure and specificity. By following the kinetic chain, we will be able to find and treat the cause, rather than just the symptoms. Once the tissue dysfunction has been identified, the instruments break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body. The soft tissue injury can be rebuilt into healthy functioning tissue by incorporating stretching, strengthening and ice treatments in the rehabilitation process.
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